NoSpamProxy mail queue

NoSpamProxy mail queue


This plugin gets the count of emails in the mail queue of NoSpamProxy.

You can define levels for warning and critical state. If the email count in the mail queue exceeds these levels, the service will enter a warning or critical state!

You must configure a Windows user for script execution in C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\check_mk.user.yml:

  • pattern : '$CUSTOM_PLUGINS_PATH$\spit_nsp_mailq.ps1'
    user : '[username] [password]'
    run : yes
    The Windows user must have appropriate rights to use the PowerShell cmdlets of NoSpamProxy.
    So add the Windows user to the user group "NoSpamProxy Monitoring Administrators"!

Automatic inventory is supported. Install the agent and one service called "NSP Mail Queue" will be created.

Latest Version

Version: 1.0.0
Packaged at: 16 Apr 2023
Created on Checkmk version: 2.1.0p2
Minimum Checkmk version required: 2.1.0p2
MKP MD5 hash: 1d652e19d03deec2c32d29ebd894dd7a
This version requires Checkmk version 2.0.0 or higher
Agent Based
  • windows/plugins/spit_nsp_mailq.ps1
Check Manuals
  • spit_nsp_mailq
  • check_mk/base/cee/plugins/bakery/
GUI Extensions
  • plugins/metrics/
  • plugins/wato/
  • plugins/wato/
  • righter83 28-11-2024

    I tried the plugin:

    created a local checkmk User with Group membership of "NoSpamProxy Monitoring Administrators"

    Edited check_mk.user.yml
    Section, added at the end:
    - pattern : 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\spit_nsp_mailq.ps1'
    user : 'checkmk XXXpassXXX'
    run : yes

    Restarted checkm service.

    But it does always return a zero value.
    If i run the script locally it returns the correct amount

    -- it seems it cannot connect with the other user because it is missing ignorecertificateerrors.....

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