Monitors Cisco ASA VPN sessions.
- creates one service for AnyConnect, Clientless, IPSec remote access and IPSec Lan2Lan VPN sessions
- each service shows active, peak, system max. and cumulative sessions
- prefdata for active and peak sessions
- wato: crit/warn level for active sessions
Note: support for Cisco FirePower is not tested fully yet
Note: this check will replace cisco_asa_svnsessions and the checks from my cisco_asa_cras package.
If you use this check remove the cisco_asa_cras package (if installed) and disable the cisco_asa_svcsessions check please.
Uploaded on: 28 Apr 2020
Built on Checkmk version: 1.6.0p8
Minimum Checkmk version required: 1.2.8b8
MKP MD5 hash: 5287272f0b705bad9bb8e70e33c2377f