  • Check Point appliance soft RAID

    by Th.L. (thl-cmk[at]outlook[dot]com)

    monitor Check Point appliance soft RAID

    22 Aug 20165593607
  • Cisco ASA fan sensors

    by Th.L. (thl-cmk[at]outlook[dot]com)

    monitor Cisco ASA fan sensors

    22 Aug 20165579692
  • Cisco ASA power supplys

    by Th.L. (thl-cmk[at]outlook[dot]com)

    monitor Cisco ASA power supplys

    22 Aug 20165533638
  • Cisco ASA temperatur sensors

    by Th.L. (thl-cmk[at]outlook[dot]com)

    Monitors Cisco ASA Temperatur sensors

    22 Aug 20165566719
  • Cisco BGP Peer

    by Th.L. (thl-cmk[at]outlook[dot]com)

    Monitors Cisco BGP Peers (CISCO-BGP4-MIB). - creates one service for each peer/address family (IPv4 and IPv6) - performance data include: peer uptime, prefixes accepted, advertised, denied, suppressed and withdrawn v0.2: added support for more then one address family per peer

    15 Jun 20188217141055.0
  • Zyxel WLC check collection

    by Th.L. (thl-cmk[at]outlook[dot]com)

    Collection of Zyxel WLC checks zyxel_capwap: monitors state of Zyxel WLCs, Perfdata: online/offline/unmanged APs, clients zyxel_foreign_aps: monitors state of foreign APs, Perfdata: unclassified/rogue/friendly APs zyxel_walncontrolleraptable: one check for each AP, Perfdata: tx/rx frames, clients zyxel_cpu: monitors cpu usage, Perfdata: cpu usage zyxel_mem: monitors memory usage, Perfdata: mem usage zyxel_flash: monitors flash usage, Perfdata: flash usage snmp_zyxel_common: inventory of product, serial and model snmp_info: updated to check for already set product in inventory Tested with NXC2500 and GS1900-8HP (inventory only).

    24 Jan 201860876935.0
  • monitor cisco ASA fan sensors

    by thl-cmk

    Monitor Cisco ASA fan sensors Rewrite for CMK 1.6x to include "fan.include" NOTE: changed item from Environment: to Fan

    24 Feb 20205757768
  • monitor Cisco ASA temperature sensors

    by thl-cmk

    Monitors Cisco ASA Temperatur sensors Rewrite for CMK 1.6x to include "temperature.include" NOTE: changed item from Environment: to Temperature

    24 Feb 20205720810
  • Monitor Cisco ASA VPN sessions

    by thl-cmk

    Monitors Cisco ASA VPN sessions. - creates one service for AnyConnect, Clientless, IPSec remote access and IPSec Lan2Lan VPN sessions - each service shows active, peak, system max. and cumulative sessions - prefdata for active and peak sessions - wato: crit/warn level for active sessions Note: support for Cisco FirePower is not tested fully yet Note: this check will replace cisco_asa_svnsessions and the checks from my cisco_asa_cras package. If you use this check remove the cisco_asa_cras package (if installed) and disable the cisco_asa_svcsessions check please.

    28 Apr 20206456789
  • Cisco BGP Peer

    by thl-cmk

    Monitors Cisco BGP Peers (CISCO-BGP4-MIB). - creates one service for each peer/address family (IPv4 and IPv6) - this package contains also a inventory plugin - basic support for VRFs (cbgpPeer3Entry on NX-OS) - performance data include FMS last change/transitions Last update received Peer uptime Prefixes accepted/advertised/denied/suppressed/withdrawn Total messages received/send Updates received/send To use this plugin you must also install my bgp_peer base plugin (

    8 Apr 202169001528
  • Cisco NTP Association

    by thl-cmk

    Checks Cisco IOS-XE NTP association status

    12 Aug 20215857639
  • Check Point Connections

    by thl-cmk

    Monitor Check Point Firewall connection statistics. This plugin supersedes the "checkpoint_connections" plugin. Service - Firewall connections Metrics - TCP connections/s - UDP connections/s - ICMP connections/s - Other connections/s - Total connections/s - Connections rate/s - Current connections - Peak Connections - Current connections relative to table limit (if available) WATO - Upper/Lower levels for current connections (absolute) - Upper/Lower levels for current connections (relative to connection table limit) - Admin connection table limit

    26 Aug 20216106630
  • BGP Peer

    by thl-cmk

    based on BGP Peer State Check by Thomas Wollner (see Rewritten for CMK 2.x by thl-cmk[at]outlook[dot]com This plugin uses the standard BGP4 MIB to monitor BGP peers. The plugin consists of two parts - the bgp_peer check plugin - the inv_bgp_peer inventory plugin performance data include FMS last change/transitions Last update received Peer uptime Total messages received/send Updates received/send It is the base for my other vendor specific BGP peer checks: - Arista: - Cisco: - Huawei: - Juniper:

    15 Sep 202177681517
  • OSPF Neighbor State Check

    by thl-cmk

    based on OSPF Neighbor State Check by Thomas Wollner changes by thl-cmk[at]outlook[dot]com] 2018-06-15: changed item from neighbor id to neighbor address added events as perfdata (incl. metrics file) moved part of the output to long output 2020-07-26: added parse section, alias, wato for alias and state 2021-09-15: rewritten for CMK 2.0

    15 Sep 20216566918
  • Check Point VSX system status and counter

    by thl-cmk

    Monitor status of virtual systems in Check Point vsx/vsls cluster. - creates one check for each virtual system. - check goes critical if virtual system status is not 'Active' or 'Standby' - long output gives details for each virtual system. - monitors VSX virtual system counters (connections/packets/bytes/logs). - supersedes checkpoint_vsx, checkpoint_vsx_connections, checkpoint_vsx_traffic, checkpoint_vsx_packets and checkpoint_vsx_status

    1 Nov 20216025548
  • Collection of OSPFv3 checks

    by thl-cmk

    Collection of OSPFv3 checks - ospfv3_general: monitors the OSPFv3 overall status - ospfv3_area: monitors OSPFv3 areas - ospfv3_interface: monitors OSPFv3 enabled interfaces - ospfv3_neighbor: monitors OSPFv3 neighbors (IPv6 only) - ospfv3_virtuallink: monitors OSPFv3 virtual links (IPv6 only)

    16 Dec 202158845675.0
  • CVE-2021-44228-log4j scanner plugin

    by thl-cmk

    CVE-2921-44228-log4j discovery This plugin discovers vulnerable files for the CVE-2921-44228-log4j issue. To discover the files it uses the CVE-2021-44228-Scanner from logpresso Note: Included in this package is the scanner for Linux and Windows (currently version 2.7.1 - please refer to the version for the current version) Note: you will find the release notes/latest version for the logpresso scanner here: If you have any issues with the plugin read the "how to" ( or follow the contribution guidelines ( Discuss this plugin in

    20 Dec 20211128857645.0
  • cURL agent plugin

    by thl-cmk

    cURL agent plugin Monitor URLs from the perspective of your monitored hosts, not the monitoring server ;-). Deployment and configuration of the plugin is integrated in the CMK bakery. This agent plugin for Linux and Windows is build around the curl command line tool from The executable is not included in this package. The plugin will use by default the system provided curl executable. Note: this plugin needs a fairly new version of curl to work. You can use my CMK package "curl_executable.mkp" to deploy a compatible version.

    7 Mar 20228209860
  • Checkmk Update

    by thl-cmk

    Special agent to check for the update status of a CMK installation.Uses the data from THX to baris.leenders[at]tribe29 for providing ths data and martin.hirschvogel[at]tribe29 for supporting this development.

    7 Jun 202272629232.0
  • Arista BGP peer

    by thl-cmk

    Monitors Arista Networks BGP Peers. - creates one service for each peer/address family (IPv4 and IPv6) - this package contains also a inventory plugin - performance data include FMS last change/transitions Last update received Peer uptime Prefixes accepted Prefixes in/out Total messages received/send Updates received/send To use this plugin you must also install my bgp_peer base plugin ( NOTE: this plugin will supersede the original arista_bgp plugin

    13 Jun 20235256442
  • Huawei BGP Peer

    by thl-cmk

    Monitors Huawei BGP Peers (HUAWEI-BGP-VPN-MIB). - creates one service for each peer/address family (IPv4 and IPv6) - performance data include FMS last change/transitions Peer uptime Prefixes active/advertised/received To use this plugin you must also install my bgp_peer base plugin (

    13 Jun 20235291441
  • Juniper BGP peer

    by thl-cmk

    Monitors Juniper BGP peers BGP4-V2-MIB-JUNIPER). - creates one service for each peer/address family (IPv4 and IPv6) - this package contains also a inventory plugin - performance data include FMS last change/transitions Last update received Peer uptime Prefixes in active/accepted/rejected Prefixes in/out Total messages received/send Updates received/send To use this plugin you must also install my bgp_peer base plugin (https://thl- NOTE: this plugin will supersede the original juniper_bgp_status plugin.

    13 Jun 20235266447
  • Network Visualization data creation

    by thl-cmk

    ######################################################################### Important: This package is replaced by my NVDCT package. See: ######################################################################### Features of the new package: - Create Layer 2 (CDP/LLDP) topology data - Create Layer 3 (IPv4) topology data (CMK2.3.0 only) - Highlight connection issues (Speed, Duplex/Half duplex, Native VLAN) (CMK2.3 only) - Read connection data from the Checkmk HW/SW inventory. - Works in standalone and distributed monitoring environments - Add custom connections (STATIC) for connections that are not in the inventory - Optimized for my CDP, LLDP and IPv4 inventory plugins - Merge CDP, LLDP, STATIC topologies (CMK 2.2.0 only) - Can also be used with custom inventory plugins

    20 Oct 20236711759
  • Fritz!Box SmartHome

    by thl-cmk

    Agent and checks/inventory for Fritz!Box smart home devices This package is based on the work of Maximilian Clemens, see I have rewritten this package for use with CMK 2.2.0x. As I do not have access to all smart home devices, I have only implemented the checks for the following devices: FRITZ!DECT Repeater 100 FRITZ!DECT 200 FRITZ!DECT 302 So if you want the package to be extended to support your sensors as well, see Also, my FRIT!BOX is not brand new, so it may not include all the features that the smart home devices support. E.g. window open/close for the FRITZ!DECT 302.

    9 Jan 202456094115.0
  • Cisco Meraki special agent

    by thl-cmk

    Improved version of the build in Cisco Meraki special agent - new Appliance Utilization - new Appliance Uplinks - new Appliance VPNs - improved Device Info - improved Device Status - new Device Uplinks - improved Licenses Overview - new Inventory of Networks/Locations - new Organization API - new Switch Port Status (per switch/per organization) - new Inventory of CDP and LLDP cache - new Wireless Devices Status - new Wireless Ethernet Status The latest version of this MKP and more information about the checks can be found here: For the Appliance Uplinks Usage and Wireless Devices Ethernet Statuses checks you need to update the Meraki SDK to version 1.39.0 at least. The latest SDK can be found here:

    6 Apr 20246264542
  • FreeRADIUS special agent

    by thl-cmk

    FreeRADIUS special agent You need to enable the status server on the FreeRADIUS server and make it accessible from the CMK site. NOTE: this plugin needs _pyrad_ to work. For more information and the latest version see:

    30 Apr 20245029319
  • Check RADIUS

    by thl-cmk

    This is a (very) basic active RADIUS check: - tests if a RADIUS server is responsive (accept/reject/timeout). - (limited) support to add AV-pairs to the RADIUS request - checks response code, response time and number of response attributes NOTE: this plugin needs _pyrad_ to work. For more information and the latest version see:

    30 Apr 20245542432
  • vSphere Topology

    by thl-cmk

    Creates the vSphere topology, based on the data from the ESXI special agent (esx_vsphere_clusters, esx_vsphere_virtual_machines sections). Topolgy is created by: vCenter -> data center(s) ->Cluster(s) -> ESX host(s) -> VM(s)

    15 Jul 20245711447
  • BGP peer topology

    by thl-cmk

    Active check to create the BGP peer topology. The plugin collects the data for the topology from the detailed output of the BGP peer services via live status. Here it finds the: - Local AS (not for the built-in plugins) - Local address - Local identifier - Remote AS - Remote address - Remote identifier The plugin uses this information to display the connections between the BGP peers. For external (to Checkmk) BGP peers or BGP connections that are not established, the topology only displays limited information Note: If you use my BGP plugins, you must at least update to the following versions - Base BGP peer: 2.2.7-20241220 ( - Cisco BGP peer: 1.0.2-20241220 (

    4 Jan 20254566117