OSPF Neighbor State Check

OSPF Neighbor State Check

The Checkmk version on which this package was built is EOL. This package will likely not work on Checkmk version 2.0.0 and above.


OSPF Neighborship State Check

Th.L. 15-06-2018: changed item from neighbor id to neighbor address
added events as perfdata (incl. metrics file)
moved part of the output to long output

Latest Version

Version: 1.2
Packaged at: 25 Jun 2018
Created on Checkmk version: 1.4.0p27
Minimum Checkmk version required: 1.2.8b8
MKP MD5 hash: 0a90a854a067d06080f5ff65b6dc0f1b
GUI Extensions
  • plugins/metrics/ospf_neighbor.py
Check Manuals
  • ospf_neighbor
Check Plugins
  • ospf_neighbor
  • bvandendriessche 09-03-2020
    It'd be even greater if OSPF IPv6 could be monitored

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