Checkmk packages created
by the community

Extend your Checkmk monitoring with packages created by community members. Or create your own packages and share the here with the rest of the community.

Recently added

  • MeinbergMicroSync NTP State

    by mw-pn

    MeinbergMicroSync NTP SNMP Parameters

    17 Mar 2025328121
  • Alertmanager with Severtiy Mapping

    by Kuhn-Ruess-GmbH

    This check is based on the Included Alertmanager Check in Checkmk. The only Difference is, that you can remap the Alert Severities in case the are not using the default Names. Note: You need to disable the shipped alertmanager plugins with "Disabled Checks" Rule

    12 Mar 2025329019
  • Extension Starter Pack by Paulo Santana

    by paulosantanabr

    Extension Starter Pack ================================ This extension assists users in writing and implementing rulesets in Checkmk. It provides a structured example for **Special Agents** and **Active Checks**, demonstrating best practices for: - Defining parameters - Handling authentication - Integrating with external services As part of the **Extension Starter Pack** by **Paulo Santana**, this tool serves as a foundation for developing custom monitoring solutions within Checkmk. ---------------------------------------- Available Active Checks ---------------------------------------- **Ruleset:** `"Extension Starter Pack - ActiveCheck - Minimal"` - **Fields:** Service Description, Initial State **Ruleset:** `"Extension Starter Pack - ActiveCheck - Authentication"` - **Fields:** Service Description, User, Password, Hostname **Ruleset:** `"Extension Starter Pack by Paulo Santana - ActiveCheck"` - **Fields:** Service Description, Element 1, Element 2, User, Password, Hostname, Port, Protocol ---------------------------------------- Available Parameters ---------------------------------------- ### **Ruleset Parameters** - **Required:** `True | False` - **cmk.rulesets.v1.form_specs:** - `CascadingSingleChoice` - `CascadingSingleChoiceElement` - `DefaultValue` - `FixedValue` - `Float` - `Password` - `String` ### **Server-Side Call Parameters** - **cmk.server_side_calls.v1:** - `ActiveCheckCommand` - `ActiveCheckConfig` - `HostConfig` - `Secret` ---------------------------------------- Dashboard Availability ---------------------------------------- A dashboard named **"Extension Starter Pack - ActiveCheck"** has been added under the **Applications** section. It is available when selecting **Show More**. ---------------------------------------- Manual Availability ---------------------------------------- A manual related to **"Extension Starter Pack - ActiveCheck - Minimal"** is available. A manual related to **"Extension Starter Pack - ActiveCheck - Authentication"** is available.

    23 Feb 20253542263
  • Tado Devices

    by AndrewMRQuinn

    Monitors the connectivity, calibration, and battery state of Tado devices using Tado's (unsupported) public API. Note: From 21st March 2025 Tado's API will require the use of the device code grant flow. Usernames and passwords stored in Checkmk can no longer be used. Versions of the plugin prior to 1.3.0 will not work after this date. When upgrading from older versions is it necessary to delete and recreate existing rules under Setup > Agents > Other integrations > Hardware > Tado. After recreating the rules, perform a service rescan and you will be prompted with a link to log in to Tado and authorise Checkmk to access your account. Complete the login and rescan services once more. Your Tado devices should now be discovered. Full readme and source code at

    8 Apr 20244178518
  • Fail2ban monitoring with agent plugin

    by andreasdvorak

    Monitoring of Fail2Ban jail

    3 Mar 2025345472

Most downloaded

  • Robotmk v1 | Robot Framework End2End Test Integration

    by simonmeggle

    Robotmk integrates Robot Framework results into Checkmk.

    1 Jul 202018771311175.0
  • SSL-Certificates

    by Robert Sander <>

    Agent Plugin to check SSL certificates in specified directories Now with support to check signature algorithm Windows Plugin added JSON data in agent data section Is now able to ignore certificates with a short lifetime

    2 Jan 201929908188585.0
  • ssllabs api check

    by Karsten Schoeke

    This check monitors the status of ssl cert checks on Changelog: - 3.2.0 no systemtime in agent output - 3.x version for cmk 2.2 - 2.1.0 change to python3 - 2.0.1 fix datasource_programm group definition - 2.0.0 insert cache for api response - 1.6.0 insert Agent status (line[3]) - 1.5.3 change default status - 1.5.2 Insert Agent Header infos - 1.5.1 cache default settings - 1.5.0 new data seperator (59) - 1.4.9 fix display JSON Error on check result. - 1.4.8 fix connect exeption - 1.4.7 add default value for timeout - 1.4.6 change timeout handling - 1.4.5 fix inventory issue while JSON issues - 1.4.4 change urlopen error handling - 1.4.3 Rename check file - 1.4.2 Fix check manpage - 1.4.1 delete modul calls from check - 1.4.0 changes for cmk version 1.4 - 1.3.1 improve error handling.

    2 Mar 20187120161374.0
  • checkpoint checks

    by Karsten Schoeke <>

    group of checks to monitor checkpoint firewalls

    26 Mar 2015582414227
  • Cisco BGP Peer

    by Th.L. (thl-cmk[at]outlook[dot]com)

    Monitors Cisco BGP Peers (CISCO-BGP4-MIB). - creates one service for each peer/address family (IPv4 and IPv6) - performance data include: peer uptime, prefixes accepted, advertised, denied, suppressed and withdrawn v0.2: added support for more then one address family per peer

    15 Jun 20187280141045.0